Upcoming in-person classes and events remain temporarily suspended.
For additional support, please call电脑国内google加速软件
If we’re unable to take your call at the moment, please leave a voicemail so we can follow up with you as soon as possible.

Join us on Saturday, August 22 as we honor our champion partners and celebrate our life-changing services.
The event is virtual but, the pandemic’s impact on our clients and programs remain real. Your support is crucial for our continued ability to provide quality care and support services to the thousands of residents in Orange County who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease or other related dementia.
Have questions? Call our Helpline at 844-HELP-ALZ (844-435-7259)
Alzheimer’s Orange County is your resource to help you and your loved ones understand and cope with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
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Want to make a difference? There are many ways to help your community, volunteering at events, and advocating. Don’t be shy, get involved!
Contributions from people like you make a huge difference and improve lives. You can help by making a donation today.

We are seeking information on the technology needs of our community. Please take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey.
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Be Aware of UTI’s
By Dr. Jacqueline DuPont I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Because it is high risk “UTI season” due to the summer heat and lack of hydration, I wanted
Upcoming Dementia Care Events

![OK Chorale - Weekly Therapeutic Singing Group [Zoom] @ Laguna Country United Methodist Church | Laguna Woods | California | United States](

View complete listing of all our upcoming education events.
Upcoming Support Groups

View complete listing of all our upcoming support groups.